I have long been struck by the work of the Situationist International, and this survey of Mark Bradford's work at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago was an instant connection to that movement.
"They imbue you with this sense of security, and at the same time they are deeply, deeply flawed." Bradford's response to this disconcerting reality are these collaged representations of his experience as a "modern day flaneur." I am reminded of SI psychogeographic interventions, of using a London map to navigate the Harz region of Germany. Or jumping ahead a few decades to Michel de Certeau's practice of "Walking in the City," and the creations of one's own geographies through mere movement through space. These works are both beautiful and thought provoking-- complex questions grounded in, and responding to, the false security of the mappable, "image-able" city.
Please excuse the poor quality of the photos, they were hastily taken at this exhibit in June.
see more at: http://mcachicago.org/exhibitions/past/2011/239